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Re: TR6 Emission Testing

To: "Fred Thomas" <>
Subject: Re: TR6 Emission Testing
From: Ronald Olds <>
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 12:11:36 -0500

Thanks for your response.

Well I changed the oil, retarded the timing 4 degrees and leaned out the
jets in the carbs one full turn and went to take the test. 

I really wonder how accurate their results are. Last time I took the test I
failed the first time. My CO reading was 10.0 (only allowed 8.00). After
doing the same thing I did this time I took it again and was able to barely
pass with a 7.98. This time the test showed the level to be 1.60. I can't
understand how the reading can be so different with little change in the
car. The car was only driven a couple of hundred miles between tests.

Of course the test its self was interesting. First a supervisor had to come
and inspect the gas cap which took 10 minutes. When she finally showed up
she looked at it and said "yep it has a gas cap." Then the highly trained
18 year old expert had to pull my car ahead to the test area. I asked him
if he new how to drive a car like this and he said "of course." He then
proceeded to leap 6 feet forward and stall the car. And then he couldn't
get the car over the rollers on the dyno unit. It took about 12 tried
before he could roll over them. Then they put the tach unit on my car and
couldn't get a correct reading. It kept showing between 1800 and 2000. They
then opened the hood and were getting readings between 300 and 800 (the
whole time I could see the tack sitting steady at 900). I asked them what
the problem was and they said everything was fine and the test was over.

At least I don't get to experience this again for 2 years.

Ron Olds

At 10:45 06/21/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Ron, yes on retard the timing, yes on new plugs, no on the idle, let it idle
>normal, spray the carb with carb cleaner just before going in (1/2 block
>down the street), make sure the car has warmed up good, drive it first
>before the test. You should be able to pull up any previous questions on
>"list-quest" from "FT"
>> Two years ago I got some help from the list on how to get my car to pass
>> the Illinois emission test which it had failed. I can no longer remember
>> find the information (it was 2 years ago). I recall being told to change
>> the oil, change the timing, lean the carbs and raise the idle. If any one
>> can add some details to my hazy memory I would greatly appreciate it since
>> my time has come due again.
>> Ron Olds

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