> Wow. This is one of the most depressing Triumph stories I've ever heard. I
> should hope that it weren't true.
Dan Masters is a true gentlemen and one of the most knowledgeable owners on
this list. Wasn't there a book called, "When Bad Things Happen to Good
Martin Secrest
> > Listers, I have sit back and waited 4 days to see if there would be any
> > response to this post by Leon, none came forward, so I will post a answer to
> > it knowing full well Dan Masters is not on this list at present and even if
> > he were he is way to much of a gentleman to answer back, even when he
> > should. Dan Masters loaned his T/R 6 to Leon with the followimg results,
> > motor locked up/burned up, from a busted radiator hose and yet he continued
> > on his journey knowing what had happened to the cooling system, both front
> > fenders and hood mangled from the use of a screw driver trying to open the
> > hood when the cable broke, yet he continued on, interior soaked wet from a
> > thunder storm with the top down, yet continued on. Dan had to drive almost
> > 300 miles to retrieve his car and borrow a pick-up truck and trailer to get
> > it home, you know who paid the expenses for both trips and the return of the
> > truck and trailer, if some of you remember this list and the Spitfire list
> > list took up a colletion to help offset some of Dans financial loss (in
> > excess of 1K not counting the body & paint work), now Leon is giving out
> > Dans name as a reference, knowing he is not here to answer back, which I am
> > sure he would not, Dans a complete gentleman, and let me tell you "I AM NOT"
> > a gentleman when it comes to this kind of crap, Leon, you used, then abused
> > Dan, and now you come back for more, this is your reference as to borrowing
> > a car and then rubbing it into him again, this list help pay for what you
> > did, call "HERTZ" they are in the business of renting to abusing clients
> > I'm not sorry for this post, this list is much stronger than 1 person and
> > should always remain that way. I thank you for your time. "FT"
> --
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