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RE: TR250 Vacuum control valve M and G

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: RE: TR250 Vacuum control valve M and G
From: "The Brooks'" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 18:15:14 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
M&G is slipping in the past few years.  I have heard that the dad is slowly
dropping out of the day to day operations.  A neighbor bought an MGB from
them.  I tried to stop him, both because it was M&G and because it was an
MGB, but he was determined.  Lot's of problems and they've not been much

BTW - they also sell a vacuum advance unit for your dizzy, which I have
heard is no bargain either.


Jack Brooks
Hillsdale, NJ
1960 TR3A TS69032LO
1974 Norton 850 Commando Roadster

>  I have attempted on several times to due business with this
>  father and son
>  team. I have NEVER been successful and they are only a few
>  towns away from
>  me... the father is more attentive however he has always
>  appeared to be more
>  invi=olved with restoration (they do a nice job) then parts.
>  The son handles
>  the parts and wants to become a billionaire tomorrow, if you
>  all get my riff.
>  Good Luck
>  Bob
>  In a message dated 06/15/2000 10:28:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
>  << To: (Mark Price),
> ('Jerry
>  Oliver'), (triumphs list) >>

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