I am very pleased with both the quality and cost of the interior panel kit I
got from John Skinner in the UK. Even with shipping, it was significantly
cheaper than Moss or TRF. I believe that he carries seat and carpet kits as
Dean Mericas
1965 TR4 (CT 37089 L)
Ann Arbor, MI
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 23:11:34 -0400
> From: "Kevin N. Andrews" <kevina@emji.net>
> Subject: Interior questions
> I will be planning on changing my interior for the 250 to
> light tan. Any
> comments on good and resonably priced carpet and vinyl kits?
> Also seat kits?
> Kevin Andrews
> 250's
> CD2908LO
> CD7766L
> Siler City, NC