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Re: Yes, officer, I'll go home directly...

Subject: Re: Yes, officer, I'll go home directly...
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 08:10:00 EDT
In a message dated 00-06-13 15:27:31 EDT, writes:

<< I admitted that I just couldn't leave the TR4
 in the garage with my buddy coming in from out of town.
 I'd like to think my charm got me off with a smiling warning, but I
 suspect it was the car. <g> >>


I think it was "all of the above" for you.  Considering the dirt balls and 
other grief that the cops have to put up with these days, this guy probably 
enjoyed a more sane moment and probably learned a little about a car he 
doesn't often see on the road.

Now, I do recall back around the fall of 1969 when I did not come to a 
complete stop at a stop sign in my new Jasmine TR6 at 1am in the middle of 
nowhere with visibility at least 3 miles in all directions, an officer who 
appeared from thin air stopped me and was downright unfriendly and did not 
appear to be impressed with the turtle wax shine, my mellow exhaust I grumbled a little and paid my fine....coulda been that "America 
- Love it or Leave it" bumper sticker on his patrol car or the "get our 
troops out of viet nam material on my seat"....hmmmm....


Chip Krout
'76 TR6 CF57822U (restoration underway)
'70 Spit Mk3  FDU78512L (basking in the sun!)

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