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Brake booster

Subject: Brake booster
From: "Roger Colson" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2000 22:55:38 -0400
Hello Bud,

Please don't be so hard on the list members for not responding quickly.

I see that there was less than 9 hours between your request for help 
and your rant.

As I subscribe to the digest I usually do not get responses to my 
questions for a least a day unless the response is sent directly to me.  
Some times the response can come after a week.  

Some questions I have asked have generated a lot of responses and 
some have generated one.  I still read the list and ask questions 
because I continue to learn more about Triumphs.  Even if it is that 
MGB owners don't wave at TR7s.  :-)

My TR3 does not have a brake booster.  Otherwise I might have had a 
problem with it and thus been able to share my experience.


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