On Thursday, June 08, 2000 11:16 AM, Bob Simmons [SMTP:bsimmons@execpc.com]
> Some piece of art started out at $.25, and went up to $135,000.
Actually, the main issue is that the seller placed a bid (for $3500). He
apparently claims it was "for someone else".
> I am
> just frustrated that I won an auction, yet didn't get the item due to a
> reserve set too high. What does this mean to the seller at this point?
> He did send me an email offering it at reserve price of $50.00. Why
> should I pay a price no one else would? (that is one way to look at it)
A reserve price is usually the minimum amount a seller is willing to sell
for. Some people regard it as "game playing", others consider it business
as usual. Personally, I usually refuse to bid on an item on eBay before
the reserve has been met. IMO the only use for setting a 'reserve' (as
opposed to a minimum bid) is to hope the bidding frenzy will drive the
price up above what the item is worth.
Still, judging from the photo, it's in pretty good condition, and maybe
even somewhat rare. I haven't noticed too many of the factory reprints (as
opposed to the Bentley reprints) go by.
> On another note - gas in Milwaukee area is at $2.00 a gallon for
> regular. What is it at your locale? (And believe me, I wish the tr
> were running. The landrover guarantees christmas cards from the Sheik!)
You knew the job was dangerous when you took it ! <g>
Near Los Angeles, Arco (cheap) regular is around $1.50 a gallon.