Also worth checking if the engine is flooded. Too much fuel getting
to the cylinders will cause a non-start condition. BTDT story: With
SU carbs (Herald 948cc motor, pair of SU H2), it was as easy to fix as
lifting the pistons (basically no depression on the fuel jets, so no
fuel drawn in) until the cylinders were cleared and it fired. Then
released the pistons and it was running. Dunno if it's as easy to do
that with Strombergs (I assume a 71 TR6 has Strombergs.) And with
spark just about anywhere between 5 or 6 before to 5 or 6 after, the
timing should be close enough to start. Not optimum for economy,
emissions, performance or any of those good things, but it should
start. 12 before is too far advanced (IMO) for a first attempt at
startup on a fresh rebuild. I'd retard it to around TDC, get it
running, then start the fine tuning.
> From: "Tom Di Iulio" <>
> Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 20:54:01 -0600
> i was hoping someone with more knowledge than i would respond but since
> no one has i'll offer my 2 cents.
> i recently went thru exactly what you're experiencing on my '76. i had
> fuel in the cylinders and spark at the plugs. i also have an electronic
> ignition that i did not install yet, instead using points and condensor. i
> will ultimately install the electronic stuff but i wanted to get the engine
> running first and didn't want to wonder if there was a problem with my
> installation of the unit.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "karen hakala & tim hutchisen" <>
> To: "Scions of Lucas" <>
> Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 8:31 PM
> Subject: Will not fire
> >
> > Scions of Stanpart-
> > I have recently finished a rebuild on my '71 TR6. For the past two
> > nights I have tried to bring it to life but have had no luck. I have
> > verified (3 times) that the static timing is spot on with the cam
> > (original cam, reground to S2 configuration). With the #1 cylinder at
> > TDC the #11 and #12 lifters are "on the rock" with #1 firing at the
> > dizzy. Valve lash has been set cold at .012 ( specs say .010 and TSI
> > Auto says .016 hot). I have spark at the plugs, fuel in the cylinder,
> > and the electronic ignition tests fine. The car ran this spring prior to
> > the rebuild. I set the timing statically at 12 degrees BTDC and cranked
> > the motor. An occasional cough or backfire from the carbs could be
> > heard. From the advice of another lister I have tried advancing the