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Re: TR-3 steering

To: scott weldin <>
Subject: Re: TR-3 steering
From: Bob Labuz <>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 17:24:17 -0400
Organization: Adirondack Minerals
References: <v04011700b5226de9483e@[]>

A suitable lever would be a "pickle" bar. I hope i spelled it correctly. This
bar is kind of like a two tooth fork where the teeth are wedge shaped to give
you the leverage. Place the forked end between the arm and the gaitor and hit
with a hammer. The wedge action will separate the tie-rod from drop arm. If
you use this bar, be carefull not to damage the rubber gaitor portion of the
tie-rod end. You should be able to get a pickle bar at any auto supply shop.
Bob Labuz
1958 TR3A
1974 T140V

scott weldin wrote:

> I'm having the devil's own time removing the center tie-rod from my 1958
> TR-3A.  I have removed the nyloc nuts attaching the center tie-rod to the
> idler arm, the drop arm and both right and left tie-rods, but I can't get
> either right or left tie-rod loose from the center.
> My original service manual suggests "utilising a suitable lever" but
> doesn't hint if that might be a six inch screwdriver or a six foot Johnson
> bar. And I'm not sure what to pry against. Does the tapered end of the
> inner end assembly just press into the end of the center tie-rod? I'm
> reluctant to apply too much force without a clearer picture of what I'm
> doing. Any help would be much appreciated.
> Scott Weldin
> 1958 TR-3A

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