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Re:TR6 Sway Bar bushings?

To: David Massey <>, "" <>
Subject: Re:TR6 Sway Bar bushings?
From: (Bud Rolofson)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 10:41:15 -0400
Cc: Triumph List <>
Thanks for the input Dave.  

So you're saying the poly bushing with the lip replaces both the rubber bushing
and the metal washer with the lip, right?   And I should be able to reduce the
parts count by leaving the metal washers out.  Functionally it should then be
the same, correct?
Short of compressing the whole assembly somehow leaving the metal washers out is
about the only I can see to get it all onto the link.   Guess I go that way and
see how it works.


No experience but here's a theory:

Since the poly bushings have a higher durometer reading than the rubber
ones (that means they are stiffer and harder) they can mold in features
that wouldn't hold up survive in a rubber bushing.  This indexing lip for
example.  If this were included in the rubber bushing it would be to thin
and the rubber would soon cut or wear away.  Molding this feature into the
poly bushing eases assembly and reduces parts count. 

Since the material behaves differently a different aproach is required for
the same application.  Just like the suspension bushings.  Rubber bushings
require much more pre-load compression than do the poly and concequently
the poly bushings are easier to install.

But, this is just a theory.


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