Makes sense to me. After all, water IS the ultimate solvent.
Ken Gano
-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Andy Dixon
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 8:44 PM
To: John Macartney; Triumph Mailing List
Subject: RE: Non Triumph - help needed - and rusty bolts
in searching the web for SE's last night, one of the sites had an
interesting method for loosening rusted nuts and bolts. It was that the best
solution to dissolve rust was water! That instead of soaking them in oil,
soak them in water. The author maintained that a liberal (not the political
party) soaking of water and "tapping" (probably also liberally) with a
hammer would loosen any nut, including manifold and exhaust, enough to be
removed by your fingers. Interesting thought; updates to follow.