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Re: Oil Gauge pipe/fitting on TR6

To: "J.H. Roulleaux" <>
Subject: Re: Oil Gauge pipe/fitting on TR6
From: David Massey <>
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 12:08:52 -0400
Cc: "[unknown]" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "J.H. Roulleaux"
Virgil ,Dave
As far as I know the adapter screw is conical on one side and flat 
on the other ,threats are the same on both sides. If you srew it in 
the wrong way you are sc***d and you get a hell of a leak.
It will not only mark Greg car's territory.

Good point, that's the difference between a pipe thread and a compression
thread.  Actually I thought that one was 28 threads per inch and the other
was 27.  Certainly close enough that it will screw in 1/4 inch without a


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