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RE: Clutch problems

To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: Clutch problems
From: "Westerdale, Bob" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 13:12:55 -0400 charset="iso-8859-1"
        Sometimes after a period of storage, the clutch driven disc gets
'attached' to the flywheel or pressure plate.  Assuming the clutch worked
correctly last fall, i.e.. the throw out shaft and related bits are in good
order, all you have to do is get the driven disk to give up it's hold on the
Flywheel or Press Plate.  Easiest and quickest-  roll the car out of the
garage or at least get a little space in front of it,  put the car in 1st
gear, depress the clutch, and hit the starter.  In almost all cases, the
clutch disk will lose it's affection for the FW or PP almost immediately.
(OK, purists, a tad brutal, but effective....)  If the car starts moving,
you have a very stuck clutch disk.  For that, I'd suggest another variant of
the aforementioned technique.  Put the rear end up on jackstands, L&R, put
the car in gear and start it up. The rear wheels will be turning, so make
sure nothing can get tangled up.   Next, hit the brakes, while depressing
the clutch. If this doesn't do it, I'd suspect something nasty has gone
wrong- Assuming the 250 uses the same throwout shaft as most other 3/3A/4/4A
etc...  there may have been a failure in the pinning for the throwout fork. 
Bob Westerdale

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2000 11:26 AM
Subject: Clutch problems

        Well I sent my TR 250 for a vacation in a heated garage for the last
three months. Today was the first sunny day here on the West Coast so it was
off the take her out of storage and enjoy the a fine day. After checking
oil, & other fluids and battery condition it was time to get he old girl
going. A few cranks of the starter and she fired up correctly. After a good
warm up period I was ready to get her home for a quick wash and then a 3 or
4 hour run in the sunshine. 

        As I settled into the driver seat anticipation ran high, back to my
love. (The wife was still sleeping) I pressed in the clutch, yes it seemed
top have pressure but when I tried to put it into gear nothing but
grinding.( No I didn't force anything) So now it's under the car for a quick
check of the slave cylinder, it moves fine when pressing in the clutch. But
no luck, I still didn't like it. Even trying to get it to go into gear
without the engine running was difficult. I must admit that the release
bearing was making noise last year and before it sat, but everything seemed
OK. Question is, time for a new release bearing & clutch. Maybe a slave
cylinder. Any help would be useful. 

        Paul Barlow
        TR 250
        CD 5470 LO

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