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RE: TR6 Stop Light Bulb Holder

To: "The List" <>
Subject: RE: TR6 Stop Light Bulb Holder
From: "Steve Nabors" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 14:51:35 -0800
Organization: QUALCOMM Eudora Web-Mail (
My bulb holders are plastic with metal ground fingers where you plug it in to 
the hole and if you pull both of them, they will not come on. If you touch one 
of the fingers to a ground then they will light dimmly. Both and they are well 
lit. I recently got tired of my flakey lights so I sanded all places where the 
wires ground to the frame and took the plastic sockets apart(i.e separaged the 
single metal part from teh plastic and sanded the metal parts as they had paint 
on them froma  previous owner paint job. This helped alot but not there yet. 
Sometimes my whole parking light circuit would got out(along with the tmep 
guage and volt gauge). I took the all the wires off the fuse box and discovered 
yet again the remnants of a paint job on the terminals. Cleaned that and 
parking lights/stop lights are now very dependable. You may not have paint on 
your connections but years of mild corrosion make a big difference.

Good Luck!

Steve Nabors
'74 TR6
B'ham AL

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