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Re: Fellow lister in St. Louis

To: Triumph list <>
Subject: Re: Fellow lister in St. Louis
From: Randall <>
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 10:20:14 -0800
References: <>
Dave :

Do him a favor, and refer him to a local headshrinker.  Owning a Triumph
is bad enough, but moving to St.Louis (and at this time of year) ??!!

This man is clearly seriously disturbed, and needs help.  Help and a
mother's care !

- thinking of how beautiful the Ozarks will be in a few months, and how
much fun a TR would be in those hills ...

Dave Massey wrote:
> Folks,
> I would like to welcome fellow lister, Larry Hooven, to the St. Louis
> area.  Larry moved in yesterday into temporary housing from
> California. (Talk about culture shock!)

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