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Re: TR3 on E-Bay - 14,000 original miles

To: "List Triumph" <>
Subject: Re: TR3 on E-Bay - 14,000 original miles
From: "Graham Stretch" <>
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 18:19:39 -0000charset="iso-8859-1"
References: <>
Hi all
I bought a 7600 mile Toledo and that had a nice outside nice interior and a
"£$%^& filthy engine bay. I also had to put new tyres on as the original
Dunlop's were totally worthless. I think I still have them on rims in the
garage for shows, though the car has sold!! I also had to fit all new brake
and clutch seals, new suspension bushes, steering rack and trackrod end
rubber bits and new rear wheel bearings (rusty balls)(no not me the
bearings). This car had been standing for several years as the owner was ill
but hoped to drive it again, sadly he never did. I took the mileage up to
26000 Original miles and enjoyed every one of them.


----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew Mace <>
To: Randall <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2000 2:46 AM
Subject: RE: TR3 on E-Bay - 14,000 original miles

> On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Randall wrote:
> > And, it does look to be in nice shape (and with a factory hardtop).  If
> Well, no. It looked wrong and, sure enough, closer reading (maybe on the
> web site or on eBay; can't remember) does describe it as a fiberglass
> hardtop. Only the very earliest optional factory hardtops on TR2's were
> fiberglass.
> > really original (unrestored) and looks that nice, I'd say it's easily
> > $11K (and at least a few people agree, the bid has risen from $1500 to
> > $11300.)   It definitely does not look over-restored, and has just
> > tiny flaws (like the sprung door latch) that it might really be
> Does anyone else wonder why the car looks so shiny on the outside and
> clean in the interior area, but so...well...crappy under the bonnet? And
> what's with the commission number plate hanging by one rivet? I just find
> it a bit puzzling that a low-mileage car otherwise so well cared for
> would look know...there. OK, photos can be deceiving --
> perhaps in both good and bad ways.
> > Who knows, it might even be a TR3B !
> I'd be curious to know what the commission number is (on that loose
> plate). It definitely shows a rather late front end, what with the
> later-style smooth letters and all. Not sure about whether the headlamp
> rims are correct or not, but that also is one of those items that could
> be open to debate in terms of "correctness"!
> And I'd half expect a low-mileage original to still sport original
> Michelin X or Dunlop Gold Seal wide whitewalls, especially on a black car
> with wire wheels!
> Lots of questions, I suppose....
> --Andy
>   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>   * Andrew Mace                         e-mail: *
>   *                                                                   *
>   * Mrs Irrelevant: Oh, is it a jet?                                  *
>   * Man: Well, no... It's not so much of a jet, it's more your, er,   *
>   *  Triumph Herald engine with wings.                                *
>   *   -- The Cut-price Airline Sketch, Monty Python's Flying Circus   *
>   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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