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RE: Adding Gearbox Oil - TR3

To: "'Stephane St-Amant'" <>
Subject: RE: Adding Gearbox Oil - TR3
From: "McEwen, Art" <>
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 10:23:00 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1"
>Why not use an empty squeezable hand cream bottle with a flip top opening
>(or something similar).  Clean it, fill it up with GB oil, remove the plug,
>aim and squeeze.  IMHO, it's less trouble than converting a grease gun.

There's only about 3" between the side mounted plug and the trany cover so
you can't get a bottle in there all the way and have it's spout 90 angled
correctly.  The best thing I've found is an 18" clear tube at Wal-Mart that
fits on the plastic retail oil containers.  However it leaks when held over
your head (far more then when held over anything else for some reason) and
you can squeeze till you're arms are like iron and still leave the container
half full.

The other option is to crawl under and remove the plug while the carpet and
shift boot is removed and fish the tube down to the plug.  That requires
much crawling and climbing unless you've got a helper and any spilled oil
ends up in the passenger compartment instead of your hair.

A proper vacuum pump would help if I could find one that didn't look like it
was about to fall apart.

I'd love to know why Triumph removed the original top mounted dip stick, did
they actually think they'd plugged all the leaks in their GBs...??


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