Maybe I have a tip for you, to take some of the #@#%%^@ of adding oil in
your transmission.
Why not use an empty squeezable hand cream bottle with a flip top opening
(or something similar). Clean it, fill it up with GB oil, remove the plug,
aim and squeeze. IMHO, it's less trouble than converting a grease gun.
Maybe someone already tried it and can share his comments.
Unless I hear otherwise, that's what I will do when I get to that point. (a
few years away!!! ;-) ).
BTW, I got that idea from souvenirs of my dad filling up the "foot" of the
outboard motor of his boat. The grease/oil came in a squeezable tube
looking like a giant toothpaste tube with a tapered end.
Hope this helps
'71 TR6 (Engine out and stopped counting the boxes!!!)
----- Original Message -----
From: McEwen, Art <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 9:30 AM
Subject: re: Adding Gearbox Oil - TR3
> Adrian,
> I've done it both ways, and frankly it's a toss up. My '60 3A doesn't
> the top dip stick so I have to use the plug on the side (got my pinkie
> once checking the level!). It's a real $@*&) adding oil.
> If you do it from underneath you have to factor in the mess of the GB oil
> that drips on you (there's something in GB oil that has a pervasive smell
> that motor oil lacks).
> I'm almost to the point of cutting another grommet hole in the cover so I
> can just put a removable plug in to fill it from the drivers side (the
> existing plug for the OD wiring won't reach).
> Art
> >Hi Folks,
> >Well, its about time I checked the oil level in the gearbox.
> >The procedure seems to be:
> >Raise car up on 4 jack stands.
> >Write Last Will and Testament.
> >Crawl underneath.
> >Alternatively, is it possible to take out the seats, carpet, gearbox
> >and do it from above?
> >Regards, Adrian