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Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC

To: "John T. Nichols" <>
Subject: Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 20:27:48 -0500
Cc: TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
John writes:
>A correction: In the second sentence below it should read "right bank"
>not "left bank" but it's still the northern bank.

Yeah, the Left Bank is in Paris!

Actually I've always been a little confused about whether that is 
the right (or left) going UPstream or down.  I guess it means 

Dave (I drive on the starboard side of the street.  From the port side of

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