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Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC

To: "John T. Nichols" <>
Subject: Re: Miata Z3 on Ebay???? non-LBC
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 11:46:25 -0500
Cc: TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
John T. Nichols writes:
Actually, the state boundary between Ohio and West Virginia and Ohio and
Kentucky is the northern or left bank of the Ohio River. The boundary is
not down the middle as one might assume. Some years ago West Virginia
had to replace the Silver Bridge across the Ohio River at their own
expense for that very reason. Ohio's only expenses were the approaches
above the northern bank. Those Yankees are sometimes smarter than they
look. There is some modest controversy about exactly where on the
northern bank the state line falls but all parties agree that it is the
northern bank.

John T. Nichols

OK John.  Points for you on this trivia question.  Next one.  In what marsh
New Jersey is Jimmy Hoffa buried?


P.S.  If you really know Geraldo Rivera would like to talk to you.

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