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Re: manuals/books

To: "T. R. Householder" <>,
Subject: Re: manuals/books
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 21:52:15 -0700
Organization: Barely enough
References: <>

"T. R. Householder" wrote:
> I found these in the search
> Hi all -
> For those of you who might not know about it, here is a link to a good
> used
> book database (used book dealers from around the country list their
> inventory).  They have quite a few books on Triumphs - probably some of
> the
> manuals that people have trouble locating too.

Regarding this same subject, I had ordered a couple of books directly
from Bentley's and was told, even though the items were still listed in
the titles index, that they were out of stock. I replied that they might
consider a reprint on some of the items, since there was some continuing
demand for manuals amongst those here. So, if you'd like Bentley's to
reprint out-of-stock titles, let them know:



Michael D. Porter
Roswell, NM

`70 GT6+ (being refurbished, slowly)
`71 GT6 Mk. III (organ donor)
`72 GT6 Mk. III (daily driver)
`64 TR4 (awaiting intensive care)

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