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Alternative seating

Subject: Alternative seating
From: "Westerdale, Bob" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2000 11:28:20 -0500 charset="iso-8859-1"

        My 3A has contributed significantly to my lower back problems this
past year,  in part due to the car's firm ride, the lumpy roads here in NJ,
and the seats in the car.  Short of marshmallow springs and a statewide
repaving program, I have decided to upgrade the seats. Long ago my car was
fitted with what I believe are the old low back MGB seats, whose leather has
now  departed for that great tannery in the sky.  The cost of  decent
replacement covers and the seat stuffing material (plus time) goes well
beyond $500, with no guarantee they would be orthopedically improved.
        Has anyone fitted aftermarket seats ( Recaro, et al..) which are
comfortable, look appropriate for the car, fit the narrow 'footprint', and
do not cost as much as the Space Shuttle?  I haven't seen any donor cars
with sufficiently narrow seats yet, but would consider this approach, too.
I like my chiropractor, but he doesn't need another boat. or summer house.
Your thoughts? TIA!
        Bob Westerdale
59 3A TS36967E  (55 cold miles in '00!)   

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