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Re: 5 prefix in Canada

To: Jeff Scarbrough <>
Subject: Re: 5 prefix in Canada
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2000 08:19:33 -0700
References: <> <>
But in those days (as today) there were so many VW's being transported
to the US that it would be very easy to consign batches of cars to a
ship and know exactly where it would be going beforehand.  So whole
blocks of plates could be pre stamped according to a shipment lot.

In my tracking of Spitfires (which were shipped in far greater numbers
than other models) there is no continuity of number sequences that
suggest that any block manufacturing was done.  It appears that the cars
were serialized in the order of when the order was received, regardless
of where they were going.

One commission number was for a home market car while the next may have
gone to France and the next to the US, etc.


Jeff Scarbrough wrote:
> At 07:54 AM 1/5/00 -0700, Joe Curry wrote:
> >I wonder how the individual who was stamping the commission plates at
> >the factory could possibly know that the car was going to North America,
> >let alone which port of entry it would use.
> >
> >If the digit was added to the plate afterwards (such as when it hit the
> >port), the style of the additional digit would most certainly be
> >different.
> Volkswagen put port codes on it's commission plates at the factory in the
> 60's and 70's, I don't know if they still do.
> Of course, Triumph is *not* Volkswagen, and vice-versa...
> Jeff Scarbrough

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