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Re: Heater control flaps (aka testicooler pullers)

To: "David Massey" <>
Subject: Re: Heater control flaps (aka testicooler pullers)
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2000 23:32:25 -0000charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "Triumphs List" <>

>Message text written by "John Macartney"
>>Consider the scenario when the handbrake lever was alongside the
>>hump and not on top of it. There was a time I could remember the number of
>times I'd
>>had my face slapped by a girl on first date in the dark as I leaned over
>to release or
>>engage the brakes. There again, I could also remember the number of
>>opposite scenarios and it was about evens. Trouble is, I can't now
>remember whether
>>the count was in ones, tens or hundreds - and sadly it was too long ago.
>Anyone want
>>to lend me a TR so I can re-experience the memory.

Dave Massey replied

>Obviously she must have been driving since in a Right Hand Steer vehicle
>the brake
>lever in on the driver's side.  But I can just see you laying across your
>passenger's lap
>to reach the bonnet release on a TR6!

You forget Dave. I drove rather more left hand drive cars than right hand ones. 
Girls in
London in those days were always more attracted to cars with the "wheel on the 
wrong" side
than ordinary UK domestic versions. Of course, there's always a remote 
possibility they
might have been attracted to the driver but in such cases it's likely they only 
had 1/20


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