Message text written by "John Macartney"
>Consider the scenario when the handbrake lever was alongside the
>hump and not on top of it. There was a time I could remember the number of
times I'd
>had my face slapped by a girl on first date in the dark as I leaned over
to release or
>engage the brakes. There again, I could also remember the number of
>opposite scenarios and it was about evens. Trouble is, I can't now
remember whether
>the count was in ones, tens or hundreds - and sadly it was too long ago.
Anyone want
>to lend me a TR so I can re-experience the memory.
Obviously she must have been driving since in a Right Hand Steer vehicle
the brake
lever in on the driver's side. But I can just see you laying across your
passenger's lap
to reach the bonnet release on a TR6!