My tranny is currently sitting on the concrete floor of my garage with the
exact same symptoms, lots of glittery bits in the gear oil. In my case, the OD
also doesn't work, probably plugged up with said glittery bits. If you also
encounter what another lister described as "grey sludge" on the drain plug,
it'll be as Irv says, countershaft bearings.
I haven't opened my tranny yet to view the gorey reality, but I've learned to
trust the advise of this list. Happy pulling (of your tranny that is)
Rob Christopher
Ottawa, ON
74.5 TR6 CF27218UO
Irv Korey wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> >So I'm guessing, since these things are disbursed throughout the gear oil,
> >I've shredded a gear tooth or synchro- does this ever helpful and way
> smarter
> >than me list concur?
> When I got sparkly, silvery, glittery gear lube out of my tranny, it was the
> remains of the countershaft bearings.
> Irv Korey
> 74 TR6 CF22767U
> TR4A CT52499 VSCDA Group 2 #58
> Highland Park, IL
Rob Christopher | | | |
Hardware Engineer | .|||. .|||. | (613) 271-3585
Cisco Systems | ..:|||||||:...:|||||||:.. |
Kanata, Ontario |---------------------------|