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Re: Bios

Subject: Re: Bios
From: F Underwood <>
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 19:52:57 -0400
References: <>
I was born in Washington DC in a hospital that deosn't exixt anymore.
And that was only 42 years ago. I 've had a fascination for for all
things automotive for as long as I can remember. The first PC was from
those folks in Texas; of which I had to attach the cassette recorder to
for large scale memory storage. I even took some programming language
courses in high school in '74 & '75. I skipped computer science in
college, but still have spent way too much time and money in PC stuff.
Today I make a pretty good living selling drugs. OK so I work for a
pharmaceutical company.
My car saga actually got started in 1988 when I brought home the Ford.
Yes I was looking for something sexy and yet it had to be affordable-
still kick myself that I didn't borrow the $6,000 to buy an Aston Martin
DB6 just weeks prior to the Ford. The Jaguars I looked at were so
rusted, and the the same for the 356, and the 190 and 250. So when I
found ; no no I WASN"T LOOKING for the Ford; It was so different and
best of all I could afford it and it would actually run and stop. It
also complimented my personality.
I have had a blessed life, Susan and I will celebrate our 20th
anniversary in October, the girls , Megan 14 and Ashley 16, are probably
all one could ask for ; Although both will be in High School together
this year and Ashley did have a party with over 120 people according to
the police citation, on the very first weekend Susan and I went out of
town, and agreed to let her stay home with a girlfriend.
I haven't done anything to the cars for the past 10 months because I
have been spending the time on a 30' x 20' workshop in the back yard!
The project is almost complete! And then back to the Ford and
OH! I'm going to England for the first time to attend the All Ford Rally
at Abingdon!! September 26 1999.

Frank Underwood
Atlanta GA USA (well sort of...)

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