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Bio's, was goofing off at work

To: "Triumphs mailing list" <>
Subject: Bio's, was goofing off at work
From: "Ken Gano" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 16:02:19 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
Having watch and occasionally contributed to this list for 4 1/2 years, I
find this thread amusing.  Of course, the traffic in this list is different
during certain times of the day and certain seasons.  It also seems to
change over time and certainly with different contributors.  Week-ends are
much slower than week days and everyone gets grouchy in the winter.  Pretty
basic stuff really.

Recently the Team Thicko list had a call for Biographies.  It was
interesting to put basic stuff (age, occupation) to names.  It would also be
interesting to see how others use this list.  It occurs to me that similar
information might be interesting here.  I'll start off:

Ken Gano, 47 years old, married (once!) with three kids (boys).  My Triumph
interests are TR3's and the obscure models (TR10, etc.).  I have a '3 75%
through a frame off and a model 10 waiting in the wings for a rolling
restoration.  The present goal (always subject to delay it seems) is to have
the TR3 in Portland and to have both at 2001.  I self employed as a lawyer
in Central Illinois   My work consists mostly of divorce and bankruptcy.  In
another lifetime my primary interest was sport aviation, particularly sport

My sons are developing in interest in girls, cars, and generally being cool,
although not necessarily in that order.  My other interests include soccer,
swimming and beer drinking, although the years have slowed all three.  I
watch the list all day when at work and will check it once or twice a day

See, that's not hard.  Come on, reply off or on list.  I'd like to more
about this group of people I call my friends.

Ken Gano

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