Here is an update on my electrical quandry.
I checked my generator and got these results. Armature Circuit 1.6V at
1500 rpms (1.5 to 3.0 V recommended). Field Circuit test : 1 Amp at
12V out put (2 Amps recommended). The generator produces 11.5 to 12V
at 1000 rpm. This seems to indicate that the generator is not quite up
to specs, so I have ordered another one to check out.
When I had installed the new regulator, the battery was new and reading
13+ V, so I am not sure why it gave such a high charge on the Amp meter
(+30). When I get the new generator in I will reinstall the new
regulator and test the ampmeter to see if it is reliable.
And the light still seems to be backwards...Why it glows at high rpms
but not at low rpms may be a mystery that I will learn to live with.
Many thanks to all who have responded.
Bill Hook, electrically challenged rookie w/ 57 TR3