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Re: Discrimination

To: TR List <>
Subject: Re: Discrimination
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 1999 14:39:30 -0400
Cc: Brian Johnson <>, Phil Smith <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Brian Johnson and Phil Smith write:

>Don't worry Phil   - to us across the pond the American way of spelling
>is all wrong anyway  - I'm just getting used to the 'alternative' word
>set you guys use as well, I'm even calling a wing a fender sometimes,
>and rocker panels really threw me for a start until I realised that they
>really are sills.......... just remeber when we say HOOD we really mean
>the rag top that fits over your head when its rains and not the bonnet !
>Brian Johnson
>Philip Smith wrote:
>> I'm tired of being picked on due to my spell check  not having a
>> vocabulary. Some people are too quick to point out, that I made a
>> mistake. I think that you should correct your own spelling logs, before
>> attacking my spelling splinters.
>> God Bless
>> Phil Smith
>> Orthodox TR6

Boys, boys, boys.  That's one of the things I like most about this list is
subtle differences in the language.  ( You say potato, I say potato)  I
give a dog's bollocks about which is right.  Truth is both and neither is
They are just equally valid but different ways of conveying an idea and 
doing so in a variety of ways retains a freshness that is enlightening and 

As the French say "Vive la Différence."  (Of course they were refering to 
something else all together.)

Cheers and see ya.

Dave Massey

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