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Re: Converting a Stag tach to function with a V6

Subject: Re: Converting a Stag tach to function with a V6
From: Peter Wilson <>
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 1999 09:40:52 +0900
As several have pointed out, the TR6 tacho is not an option as it is
mechanical (and also quite a lot larger than the Stag unit methinks).

However, I believe that the late Triumph 6-cylinder saloons (2000, 2500TC,
2500S) used an electronic tacho, and that it is a much closer match (size
and appearance wise) to the Stag, especially if you find a donor of the
same year. Unfortunately, whilst these potential donor cars are common down
under, I understand they never made it to the US, and are largely unknown
by the majority of listers. Even so, it would be very easy and cheap to
source a tacho from one internationally if we can confirm my suspicion that
it would be suitable.

Are there any UK, New Zealand or Aussie listers with knowledge of both
Stags and saloons that can confirm or deny this?
Peter Wilson (
Adelaide, Australia

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