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Re: VTR or TR Register International

To: "J.H. Roulleaux" <>
Subject: Re: VTR or TR Register International
From: Brian Johnson <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 10:32:29 +0100
Organization: Home
References: <>
Hi Jean

I hope to be there - I have missed only one TR Register International
meeting in the last 7 years (I actually went to the first two at
Donington Park in the 1970's)-  As Malvern is not too far away from
where I live (nowhere's far in a TR !) , I will be going there for the
day - so I don't know if I will be there on Saturday or Sunday  -  Look
out for AFP 503 A !!

Brian Johnson  (Loughborough UK)
1963  TR4   AFP 503A (UK) / IZS 733(USA) - CT27216-L (now not L but O )
1954  TR2   46 BHX                         TS554-O   UK Car in pieces
1989  Vauxhall Cavalier 2.0 GLI   - Eurobox  but it goes !

"J.H. Roulleaux" wrote:
> Hi everybody ,
> Who is going, not to the VTR Convention,but to the TR Register
> International Weekend taking place this year at Malvern in
> Worcestershire in U.K. on 31st july to 1st aug.
> Over 2000 TR members are expected, most of them with their car
> and this year will be the celebration of 30 years TR6.The event is
> also hosting the world's biggest and best TR trade show with
> almost every spare parts trader from U.K. present.
> Most members will camp on the showground and you can imagine
> the atmosphere of such a campsite with hunderds of TR's parked
> between the tents.This is not" Best Western or Ramadan" but it's
> pure fun, it' s by the way the one and only time a year I put up a
> tent and it's worth it. I will be travelling with a 40 car strong dutch
> group, crossing the chanel from Rotterdam to Harwich on board of
> the fastest car-ferry in service the Stena Discovery a 400 ft
> Catamaran with a speed of 40kts.
> It goes without saying that TR fans from most european countries
> will attend and I hope to meet some TR nuts from this list.
> Sorry my American friends to miss the show, but on the other hand
> the VTR Convention as far as I saw from reports must also be a
> great happening,hope to visit it some day in the future.
> To the TR fans from this side of the pool I say"  SEE YOU IN
> Jean R from Belgium
> 70 TR6 PI


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