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Re: 1967 TR4A

Subject: Re: 1967 TR4A
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 08:24:37 -0700 (PDT)
On Wed, 30 Jun 1999 wrote:

> the state of New York says my vin is d511580.  any ideas 
> where that may have come from?.

Hmm, well, the 'd' could be a scribbled & scrunched 'ct'...which really
should be "CT" or "CTC"; and the trailing 0 is hopefully an O.

CT51158O would be a solid axle, right-hand drive, overdrive car, which
doesn't make sense as they didn't put the solid axle on right-hand-drive

I suspect your comm. number (commision number; similar to vin) should be
CTC51158LO.  The trailing 'LO' means "left-hand drive, Overdrive equipped"
and 'CTC' means "TR4A with IRS".

> I just got the car.  It has not been started in one 
> year.  any suggestions before i turn the key?  I had the 
> batery charged.  pumped out old gas.  Can starter fluid 
> be used?  I can not find the "priming lever" on the fuel 
> pump mentioned in the manual.

Repro fuel pumps don't have a priming lever.  If you have SU carbeurators
you can undo the lid on the float bowl and pour a tablespoon or so of
fresh gas down there.  Much less violent than starter fluid!  Not sure if
you can do the same with ZS carbs though.

I would be tempted to check for a spark on the plugs too.  With fuel and
spark, there's not much left to stop your engine from running.  I awoke my
TR4 engine in this fashion, it had slept for 6 years (outside, a POX on
the DPO!)

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