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RE: Speeding tickets

To: "Terry Morphy" <>
Subject: RE: Speeding tickets
From: "Bill Miller" <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 19:30:13 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <>
Importance: Normal
I'll do you one better.  I have family members roughly my age that are cops.
I occasionally ride with them while on duty.  We will do runs, even
sometimes emergency runs WITHOUT the "red and blues" on.  The reason is
simple.  A majority of drivers are idiots.  It seems that they will
intentionally get in your way or stop in the middle of the road, etc., when
they see the pretty lights.  It can actually (depending on the situation) be
safer without the lights.  And it is legal. (at least in Indiana)


-----Original Message-----
Unless you know for a fact that the Sheriff wasn't going on a call or the
he was doing 70 in the 55, I wouldn't be to quick to jump to judgement.
house or family could be the one he is heading to on a call and if you are
one waiting for a Police Officer to arrive for whatever reason, you expect
to be there immediately even it's not classed as an emergency.  If you feel
strongly, contact his office and check with his superiors but you shouldn't
derogatory comments about someone unless you know all the facts.  Every
jurisdiction in the world has legislation that allows Police Officers to
speed limits etc. without displaying emergency equipment if there is a
justifiable reason for doing so. (Going for coffee isn't one).

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