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Re: Porch!

To: "" <>, TR List <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: Re: Porch!
From: Dave Massey <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 09:03:35 -0400
Alan Myers Wrote:

>Make that Por$$$che
>A friend's 911 has been overheating lately... turned out one of the two
>oil cooler thermostats has gone to the great junkyard in the sky... had
>to pull the engine to replace it... 
>Stripped a gear in the tranny of the same car a couple years ago....
>Nice cars! Fun to drive! Maybe a bit too refined! I'm stickin' with
>Alan Myers
>San Jose, Calif.
>'62 TR4 CT17602L 

Whilst at the VTR convention in Boulder (1990) I went to a hardware 
store and someone noticed my T-shirt and said that he used to have 
a TR but now he has a Porche.  I said I'd get a Porche but I couldn't 
afford the gold chains!

Dave Massey
St. Louis, MO USA
57 TR3
71 TR6
80 TR8

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