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Re: TR 6 battery acid

To: John Summers <>
Subject: Re: TR 6 battery acid
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 16:24:54 -0700 (PDT)
On Sun, 20 Jun 1999, John Summers wrote:

> I need advice on how to keep the battery acid OFF the paint under the
> hood (bonnet).  When I needed a voltage regulator it boiled over much
> but that has been replaced.  Yes, it's hot here in Florida, but I
> shouldn't have (this much) acid escaping the battery.  I have a plastic
> battery tray.  Also,,,it's tight between the engine and the firewall;
> any ideas on how to get in there to clean it off & paint it?  Are there
> any acid resistant paints out there?  

Baking soda will neutralize an acid; a paste made of good ol' Cow Brand
and some water, scrubbed over the affected areas, should help.

You may have a cracked case on your battery; if this is so, I suggest
replacing the battery outright.  It might be under warranty.

Also, be aware that the neutralization of acids (by mixing with a base -
baking soda) will create both hydrogen and a salt- and leaving salt on
bare metal isn't a good idea!  Wash the affected region with LOTS of
water.  Wear rubber gloves so you don't get something nasty on your hands.

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