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RE: TR6 alternator

Subject: RE: TR6 alternator
From: Egil Kvaleberg <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 18:28:04 GMT
Organization: Siving Egil Kvaleberg AS
References: <>
On 17 Jun 1999, Gernot Vonhoegen wrote:

> unless you have a
> cable, such as the postive battery cable shorting out, for instance on the
> bonnet lock when the battery is not fixed propperly.

I can assure you, dear Gernot, that the bonnet lock shorting the positive
battery terminal will have much more spectacular effects than line
voltage dropping to 11 volts!! Words like "fireworks" spring to mind -
I'm sure there are many here on the list that have stories of what a
fully charged car battery can do.

In case I missed the point in my previous posting: A voltage of
11-something with the engine running is a sure sign of absolutely no
charge current from the alternator.

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Mail:  Egil Kvaleberg, Husebybakken 14A, 0379 Oslo, Norway

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