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RE: TR3 Rod Bearing Clearance Problem

To: Jeff A Williamson <>
Subject: RE: TR3 Rod Bearing Clearance Problem
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 10:59:02 -0400

>For those of you who have something other than a Haynes 
TR2-4A repair manual, 
>what does it show for the std. connecting rod journal 


I am on business trip and don't have access to my amnuals.  
But just finished a TR4 complete engine rebuild using parts 
BPNW.  There is definitely something not right.  When I 
assembled my engine there was no noticeable difference in 
the free movement of the crank, rods and pistons after 
everything was torqued down.  Of course the whole thing was 
slobered with assembly goop.

Go back to the basics.  The conrods are numberd and the 
caps are matched.  Measure everything.... there has to be 
somethingt out of wack.  Double check the fit of the 
bearings.  They need to be lubed up and sorted pushed into 
position... engaging the tab in the little keyway.  

Be sure to chech the measurements at a few points in a 
circle check for ovalness

Good Luck... let us know what happens

Brian Sanborn
62 TR4  CT16260L  Groton,MA


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