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Road trip

To: <>
Subject: Road trip
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 22:20:07 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
Saturday week my 13 yo son and I are leaving in the 6 to head to Colorado.
Our plan is to go to St. Louis (I's 75,24,57,64) and west (70).  I'd like to
stop and see the gateway arch as we pass through.  I've never been there.
We are going to have 3 weeks.  I guess Atlanta to Denver is 3-4 days each
way leaving 2 weeks for Colorado.  We want to make it up to Dinosaur
National Monument, but otherwise there is no real itinerary.  I like Rocky
Mtn Natl Park and the Trail Ridge Road. Independence Pass is a must.

I think from western Colorado we'll head South into New Mexico and take the
Southern route back (probably I-40, maybe 10).

The car is in top notch condition and ready to go.  I even got the
windshield washers working. I drove down to Florida last week and every
thing ran fine.  Had some rain in South Georgia, got to run the A/C for a
while and it proved quite effective.

I am hoping we are able to have a trip like I remember as a kid in the 60's.
The road trips I went on back then were a lot of fun.  Its an amazingly
beautiful country and there is nothing like an automobile for cruising
aimlessly around to learn of the great vistas and diverse terrain.

Anyway, if it sounds like we're going to be in your neighborhood and you
want to have us wave as we go by, drop me a note off-list and I'll make a
list to take along.  It'd be fun to meet some of you in person.

Jim Altman Illigitimi non Carborundum    69-TR6#CC28754L  W4UCK

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