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TR3A Overheating Interim Report

To: triumphs <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: TR3A Overheating Interim Report
From: Adrian Jones <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1999 19:58:58 -0400
Hi Folks,
Jumped out of car at end of 20 mile trip from work.  Looked under hood -
coolant dripping from water pump!
This was never spotted before because the coolant seems to be dripping on
the hot engine parts below and vaporizing!  That's my excuse.  Will fit new
pump and report back.
Fitting an auxilliary electric cooling fan, as recommended by you all,  has
kept the needle from entering the red zone on the temp gauge, BTW.  Thanks
If anyone wants more details on the electric fan, please let me know and
I'll post details.


PS.  This TR has given lots of people smiles and waves on the way to work. 

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