<<During my major rebuild this winter I installed a lip type rear main seal.
BPNW has them for $88, If the machine shop is already cutting the crank,
the adder (for me in expensive NJ) was only $65.
I haven't fired up my new engine yet, but I am pretty confident the rear
main oil leak, which fouled my clutch badly the last two years, will be
Let me know if you have any questions or want to go into the details
Jack Brooks>>
I am curious, how do you get the new rubber seal around the end of the crank?
Stretch it over the flywheel flange? And as far as machine shop costs, was
the cutting down for the new seal $65 extra on top of cost for journals or
was that your total machine shop cost for all the crank work?
'64 TR4 since '74 in rebuild mode