> I would have thought the highlight to have been "driving" the TR10 <G>. The
> dog's name is "Ellen", affectionately known among family and friends as
> "Smellin' Ellen"
Actually I meant to mention the TR10 but got side tracked watching TV last
Listers, as Ken mentioned. I did get to "drive" Ken's TR10. Quite an
enjoyable experience, for the whole twenty feet that it lasted! The thing
that surprised me the most was how quite it was. That is if you don't take
into account the grunting and groaning that Ken was making as he was
pushing it back in the garage with me steering!
Suffice it to say that if he decides to sell the car MY name had better be at
the top of the list!!
Thanks Ken for an enjoyable morning. It was definitely worth the 8 hour
drive to get there.
Brad (Lincoln Nebraska 402-464-1502)
My Triumph Web Site Http://www.141.com/triumphs (updated 4/9/99)
My Dodge Web Site Http://www.141.com/dodge (updated 4/7/99)
1964 Spitfire4 BFC25720L
1962 TR4 CT288L -- 1965 TR4 CT38888LO parts car?
1959 TR3A TS41311L -- 1959 TR3A TS53523L parts car
1951 1/2 ton Dodge Truck B-3-B-108