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Re: Overdrive Commonalities

Subject: Re: Overdrive Commonalities
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 09:39:03 1999
>>overdrive used on many Volvos is similar to the J type used on the Triumph TR6
>>Is it  a cheaper way to get an overdrive for my TR ? ( TR 250 in my case)

I'd wait till the transmission needed work and then order a rebuilt trans/OD
from the UK for $1500.   This is the cheapest way as you're in for $800 to
repair the trans anyway and the labor is the same.

Most you guys don't drive the cars anyway, so what do you want OD for,
sit in the garage and listen to the relay!  All joking aside, the OD is
only an advantage for long range cruising, if just ripping around town,
the extra 70 lbs. of complexity isn't worth anything.

>Laycock overdrive unit from a Volvo 145 used (NOS?)

The Volvo J-types used in the '82-'86 time frame are excellent, they
featured many improved redesigned internal pieces, new clutch, new
accumulator piston rings, etc., etc.  Used ones are generally in much
better shape than the Triumph ones and available for $50.
(core chare on used J-types in the UK is $75 USD... giving you some
 idea of how much a used J-type is worth...).

The Volvo ones have an identical driveshaft flange to the TR6.
It has a different speedo drive unit, the 90 degree piece might
be usable.  Its a different overdrive ratio, but this doesn't
effect anything, i.e. 27% vs. 25%, Triumph sedans used 28%.

So all you need is:

trans to OD adaptor *+
new OD style mainshaft +
new gaskets
new speedo drive gear for the TR6 *
new 90 degree angle drive +
new wiring (make the lower one yourself, its 2 wires and much
            better than the $25 one sold as a replacement with
            many extra wires.)
new OD style bracket to shifter *
new top cover for the extra switches *+  (yours can be modified...)
new extra switch(s), J-type one, A-type two
new OD switch on the column and upper harness +

* indicates no longer produced
+ indicates about $100

OPERATION, understand it all prior to buying the OD.

For the 73-76 cars, usually the trans mounts need replacing, the
cross bar uses 4 bolts to the frame, note 6 holes in the frame,
move the bar back for the OD install and use the rear 4 holes.
This is MUCH easier while the trans is out!!!!!!!

>this unit could be used as a backup, or spare parts.
Why, all the J-type parts are available new and may or may not
be interchangable anyway...  the darn things never break unless
mistreated, so sell it or send it to me, $75.  I suspect you could
buy the J-type NEW in the UK with all the latest improvements, anyone
ever tried, might be $250.

If anyone in Texas needs a transmission converted, I believe
I can find a few sets of A and J type parts.   Shipping to
other areas makes it less attractive.  (UPS will ship trans though)

The J-type will fit an early frame if the mount is modified
slightly, its no real big deal, but a little extra effort.


Roger G. Bolick, 512-794-9567, FAX 512-345-2879

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