Hello Darwin,
Yes, I saw the article and shared it with the other members of the GCTC
who also traveled to TRF last summer. Kinda makes me glad I cheated and
took the autotrain from Orlando to Washington :-) Based on our lies...I
mean stories about the trip and your article, I think we have a whole new
group that wants to travel to PA for the party this year. If I can make
it, I will be bringing my Stag.
Larry Miceli
Gold Coast Triumph Club
66 Herald
73 Stag
On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 15:48:58 -0500 "The Brown" <thebrown@digital.net>
>Has anyone read the article of our mis-adventures, last summer on our
>(Stag, 2-TR4s and a TR8) trip to the TRF summer party? Well the
>is now on newsstands (British Car). It is very interesting reading.
>Darwin Brown
Larry Miceli
'73 Stag
'66 Herald