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battery boil over?

Subject: battery boil over?
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 1999 20:12:16 EST
This past week my 79 Spit (daily driver in New England) developed a problem
where battery acid leaked into the passenger's footwell. The battery is less
than 1 month old. (Sears Weatherhandler). When installed  the charging system
passed. Could my problem be related to the voltage regulator? Are there things
to check or am I better offf replacing it with a new unit. I took a quick look
along the firewall trying to identify the regulator and I couldn't find it. It
does look like a small rectangular box, doesn"t it? All help would be greatly
Boy, was it exciting driving in last Thursday's snowstorm. I'm glad that we
haven't had a lot of snow this winter. 
Hans Mentzen

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