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Subject: Redlines
From: Joe Merone <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 14:18:08 -0800 (PST)
>Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 20:42:44 -0500
>From: " Philip Smith" 
>Subject: Redlines

>Thanks to all, who responded to my redline inquiry.
It >wasn't Cooker, that I
>was trying to remember, it was "Diamond Back", out
of >Anderson, S.C. I found
>the information, that they had sent me.
Remanufactured >redline radial for
>89.00? Has anyone on the list used them? Are you
>Phil Smith


I've written a number of reviews and comments to the
list regarding Diamondback and their remanufactured
redlines over the past few years.  And have turned a
number of friends on to them as well.    

I think they're an excellent choice.   I've got two
seasons and over 7,000 miles on mine and am very
happy with them.  No problems so far.  They hold the
road better and stop much faster than the old
redlines that came with our cars.  And if you ever do
have to run in the rain you'll feel a whole lot safer
than what you've been used to due to a lot less

And the red sidewall is a true rubber - not cut in
and colored - that looks great and stays red.

Go with the 205-70s.  They're wider than, but the
same height as, the 185-80s and are Michelen XW4's
underneath.  That's Michelen's standard sedan tire. 
If you go for the even wider 215-65s you get Goodyear

Joe Merone


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