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Re: car storage

To: Fred Thomas <>
Subject: Re: car storage
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 16:47:29 -0800
References: <>
It probably does the same thing as Moth Balls do.  The critters don't
like the smell and stay away.  It's also great for keeping moths out of
your Mohair upholstery!  Oh, you don't have Mohair?  8^)


Fred Thomas wrote:
> Listers, after a long period of testing various types of repellants for
> cars in winter storage, the winner is "IRISH SPRING" soap. Take and cut
> a bar in half,  placing 1/2 on each side in the front and the same for
> the rear, also one for the trunck, just place the soap on a piece of
> aluminum foil and close the car up, when you are ready to take it out of
> storage, no varments, no mess and a very pleasant smell. This test has
> been done by our Model "A" club over the past three years with 100 %
> results to the affirmative. Try it you'll like it. I have no idea what
> it does, I just know it does what I like.

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