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car storage

Subject: car storage
From: Fred Thomas <>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 18:59:02 -0500
Listers, after a long period of testing various types of repellants for
cars in winter storage, the winner is "IRISH SPRING" soap. Take and cut
a bar in half,  placing 1/2 on each side in the front and the same for
the rear, also one for the trunck, just place the soap on a piece of
aluminum foil and close the car up, when you are ready to take it out of
storage, no varments, no mess and a very pleasant smell. This test has
been done by our Model "A" club over the past three years with 100 %
results to the affirmative. Try it you'll like it. I have no idea what
it does, I just know it does what I like.

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