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Not quite (Re: ease up fan belt longer life)

Subject: Not quite (Re: ease up fan belt longer life)
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 10:26:03 EST
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
In a message dated 98-12-15 05:54:19 EST, you write:

> Regarding fan belts...on my '64 TR4 I noticed that with the 'correct belt
>  tension' (according to manuals) I was going through belts rather quickly
>  if I tensioned it just enough so I couldn't spin water pump pulley by hand
>  the belt lasted a lot longer. Been doing it ever since with no problems. 
>  Also we had the discussion that later waterpumps (the pulley) doesn't quite
>  line up with the other two pulleys (generator and crank) and that wears the
>  belt out on the sides pretty quickly (the looser tension helps in that 
> regard
>  too).
>  Carl
>  '64 TR4 since '74 

Carl, I'll bet that your pulleys are slightly out of line.  The proper belt
tension (i.e. 3/4 to 1 inch play on the longest part) works well when the
pulleys are in line.

I haven't changed a belt in 5 years - since I found that the front mounting
bolt on the generator was rotating and wearing down in diameter.  This caused
the front of the generator to drop a VERY small distance (almost not
noticeable but enough to cause rubbing of the belt and then belt failure).

If any of the three pulleys are bent or misaligned that is what will happen.
Loosening the tension could result in slippage and less water flowing or less
generator charging.


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