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Re: U-joint replacement on IRS

To: jmwagner <>, "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: U-joint replacement on IRS
From: Tony Rhodes <>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 09:23:35 -0500
Message text written by jmwagner
>ahhhh, yes.... you sharing your repeat of my experiences of the late
70's, 80's...  helps me to reconcile my decision, a few years ago.. .to
buy a solid axle TR 4A as a daily driver....

Well, TRIPLING the number of U-joints  and some of them virtually
impossible to lube....
Seems like a bad idea for long term maintenance.  Nice idea for one's
driving conditions.

With the poor condition of that one U-joint, it makes me wonder what the
other outboard
u-joint is like.  

BTW, I did manage to wedge a screwdriver between the captive nut and the
so I count tignten them properly.  I COULD get them apart if I HAD to.  In
with a trailing arm replacement, and bushing renewal.....


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